NIOS Don Bosco Study Centre

Mrs. Madhumita Pathak


Mr. Billiam Daimari


Contact Number:             +91 9854254480 / 9435044456

Office Timing:                   11:00 am to 3:00 pm (Monday – Friday)

                                                   (Saturday & Sunday Closed)

NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) is a distance learning program by the Government of India which caters to the needs of a heterogeneous group of learner upto Senior Secondary Level.

At the Secondary and Senior Secondary level NIOS provides flexibilities in the choices of subjects /Courses, pace of learning etc.

For details can visit

DONBOSCO has been functioning as a study centre of NIOS since 2008, coordinated by Mr. Kartik Phukan. 

Since 2011 Mrs. Madhumita Pathak has been the coordinator, assisted by Mr Billiam Daimari.

The Contact classes and the exams are conducted by the Don Bosco School faculty.

It can be mentioned that DonBosco was awarded as the best study centre in 2012 at National level.

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