

[ SPORTS & GAMES ] Every class has one period allotted to physical training and one period for games (basketball, football, cricket, chess & carom). Coaching is also available after classes for tae Kwon Do, Table Tennis, Cricket, Basket Ball, Badminton and Foot Ball. [ CULTURAL ACTIVITIES] Workshops/competitions such as debate, extempore, recitation, spelling bee,...
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[ NCC NAVY ] IX Assam Junior Naval NCC Troop. Caretaker Officer :Mr. Sukhamoi ChakmaTroop Leader : Regular classes are held once a week. [ NCC ARMY ] 92 Assam Junior Army NCC COY Caretaker Officer :Mr. Partha Jyoti BaishyaTroop Leader : Regular classes are held once a week. [ SCOUTS & GUIDES ] Unit...
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The UK - India Education & Research Initiative (UKIERI) seeks to establish long-term learning partnerships between educational institutions in India and UK in the areas of education, training and research. Under this initiative, 24 Clusters have been funded. Each India – UK cluster comprises of minimum 4 schools in the UK and 6 schools in...
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