

  1. Foundational Years (Classes KG – II)
    1. Evaluation / Worksheets are conducted  throughout the year.
    2. Skills’ Proficiency Evaluation are conducted to assess the student’s acquisition of skills taught and practised  throughout the foundational stage.
    3. In foundational years, the emphasis is to help the child to acquire:
  • Psycho-motor coordination
  • Self-care and self-confidence
  • Social skills
  • Literacy and numeracy
    1. The parents / guardians are encouraged to be in contact with the class teacher and other teachers  in order to assist the children in their all round development and growth.
  1. Preparatory Years (Classes  III – V ) 
    1. The curricular goals is organised into Curricular Areas – Languages, Mathematics, World Around Us Arts, Physical Education and Vocational Education. 
    2. The academic year is divided into Term I (April – September) and Term II (October – March).
    3. Assessments and Evaluation are conducted throughout the year in the form of Periodic Assessment, Assignments, Projects and Subjects Enrichment Activities. The First Term ends with the Half Yearly Examination and the Second Term with the Final Examinations.
    4. Grades are awarded for Work Experience, Art Education, Physical Education, Music, Dance, Art and Crafts and Games.  
  2. Classes VI – XII

    1. The syllabus for the academic year is divided into 1st Term (April-September) and 2nd Term (October – March).
    2. Evaluation is done for each student based on the periodic assessments, assignments, projects and  subject enrichment conducted regularly throughout the terms.
    3. The First Term ends with Half Yearly and the second Term ends with Final / Session Ending Examination.
    4. A student has to obtain at least a D grade (40%) in all the subjects in both Assessments.
    5. Promotion is based on the Assessments of both the Terms.
    6. A student will be promoted on consideration (PC) if he / she obtains E1 or E2 grade in one subject only. A student will be allowed to take an improvement test in one subject, if he / she obtains E1 or E2 grade in two subjects.  A student will be detained in the same class if he / she fails to get at least D grade in more than two subjects.  
    7. Class X and XII will have two Pre-Board examinations in addition to the other Assessment.
    8. Grades for Internal Assessments  will be awarded on a continuous evaluation basis.
    • Work experience for classes V – XII.
    • Art education for classes V – VII.  
    • Physical education for classes V – XII.
    • Music, dance, arts & crafts and games & sports for classes V – XII.
      1. A student will not be allowed to continue the evaluation/test/examination, if he/she is found to be using unfair means (copying, enabling others to copy, bringing texts or books etc) in evaluations, tests and examinations,and no mark/grade will be awarded for that subject.However, he / she will be allowed to sit for the remaining evaluations/tests/examinations.   
      2. Students who fail to hand over the answer scripts to the invigilator will be marked zero in that particular subject. However, he / she will be allowed to sit for the remaining evaluations / tests / examinations. 


The school follows the grading pattern based on CBSE guidelines.


  1. Performance Reports are handed over to the students regularly after each assessment. Parents / guardians are requested to meet the class teachers after each assessment to discuss the performance of their children along with the answer scripts.
  2. The assessment answer scripts / worksheets / evaluation sheets are handed over to the students. The same should be counter signed by the parents / guardians. These answer scripts / worksheets / evaluation sheets are to be retained by the students of classes III-XII.
  3. Any error or discrepancy in marking the assessment papers should be brought to the notice of the Principal immediately.
  4. The answer script of the Final Examination / Session Ending will be re-evaluated, if a written request is made by the parent / guardian / student within three days of the declaration of the results. The request shoud be addressed to the Principal and submitted to the school office along with the re-evaluation fee. 


  • For the Foundational Years and Preparatory Years (classes KG – V) the whole year’s work is taken into consideration.
  • If a student does not have a minimum of 85% attendance, he will be debarred from appearing for the Final Examinations.
  • Students who are suffering from serious ailments are to submit an application to the Principal prior to the commencement of the Final examinations with relevant medical documents for consideration.
  • To secure promotion, one must obtain pass marks (40%) in all the subjects.
  • If there are any grounds for special consideration to be shown to any student, the same must be brought to the attention of the Principal by the Parents/Guardians before the commencement of the Final Examinations.
  • The promotion or detention is based on the year’s work and decided by the Principal in consultation with the Class Teachers & Academic Co-ordinators concerned.
  • The results of the Half-Yearly and Final Examinations will be given only to the Parents and Guardians, and that, too, only on the specified date and time. The Parents/Guardians should meet the Class Teacher concerned to obtain the Progress Report Card and discuss with them the progress of their wards. If they are unable to collect the Progress Report Card personally due to unavoidable circumstances, they should give a written authorisation countersigned by the Principal to someone of their choice.
  • In case anyone fails to collect the report cards on the appointed day from the Class Teacher, the same may be collected from the School Office after paying the late fee.